Route 3 over Franklin Street Bridge Replacement – Duxbury, MA

GTR is currently providing design phase geotechnical services as part of this planned bridge replacement project.  As Geotechnical Engineer of Record, GTR’s scope includes completion of a comprehensive geotechnical exploration program including 24 borings, 6 drive point piezometers, test pits and dynamic cone probes.  Due to very limited site access within the current median, restricted primarily by the dense wooded areas, steep slopes and wetlands, various techniques were used to execute the exploration program including ATV drill rigs, test pits, hand dug auger probes, dynamic cone probes, and geophysical investigation (multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) Seismic Method).  Data collected from the Piezometers are recorded remotely and stored on GTRs web-based instrumentation platform.

In addition, GTR is providing technical concepts for the foundation design and earth support system for the design-build bridge delivery method.

Project: MassDOT Route 3 over Franklin Street Bridge Replacement

Client: Lin Associates, Inc. / BSC Group

Owner: Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Location: Duxbury, Massachusetts

Year(s): 2013, 2022-23

Services: Geotechnical Engineering Services